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ironsofcanada 5:29 Sat Sep 7
England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts
Pickford; Trippier, Keane, Maguire, Rose; Rice, Henderson, Barkley; Sterling, Kane, Rashford.

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Grumpster 11:16 Mon Sep 9
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts
I'd hazard a guess that he is doing exactly what Southgate has asked him to do and Roy Keane is a cunt who can fuck himself.

daveyg 11:06 Mon Sep 9
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts
I think Declan will be called out if isn't careful.Roy Keane could be right that he has to concentrate with his passing.
I have a feeling that Rice is getting ahead of himself a tad,I think he's great and will be awesome for us and England but he may be getting over confident .If he plays aganst Kosovo and thinks he can start roaming forward to much we will get caught out.Kosovo have a very quick forward line and a miss placed pass or dribble when he is far to forward could let them in.

jfk 9:26 Sun Sep 8
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts
Beckham knew what it it meant to represent his country,but if anyone's in any doubt about his lack of common you only have to consider the way him and his pissy knicker wife find the need to put their children all over social media.
Completely irresponsible which could well end up in tears.

Leatherhead Hammer 8:42 Sun Sep 8
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts
Grumpster 3:48 Sun Sep 8

TBH, even though Beckham had glamorous high profile, he regarded it as a privilege to represent his country, even more so to be captain -unlike John Terry, who thought it was his right.

chedylan 2 6:21 Sun Sep 8
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts
Think this is why they started the league of nations. So there are more regular competitive games between the big sides. This has particularly benefited us with a young ish team needing experience, playing Croatia x2 Spain x2 and the Netherlands straight after the WC. Seeing how we always end up in the groups of pony eastern teams + Scotland/ Wales for 2 years. Then fuck it up the first decent side we play in a tournament. Partly because we lack experience ofplaying those better countries

Any Old Iron 4:49 Sun Sep 8
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts

arsene york-hunt 3:29 Sun Sep 8

Amen to that.

It was disgraceful how the FA connived with Beckham and his agents to bump up his appearances.

jfk 3:56 Sun Sep 8
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts
arsene york-hunt 3:29 Sun Sep 8

Grumpster 3:48 Sun Sep 8
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts
I dont begrudge Beckham his caps as he was good for England, would run through brick walls for them and always put a shift in.

I'm generally more concerned when players like Phil Neville end up with about 70 caps.

Far Cough 3:44 Sun Sep 8
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts
There's a statue of Bobby outside Wembley for a reason

mallard 3:42 Sun Sep 8
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts
arsene york-hunt 3:29 Sun Sep 8

Absolutely spot-on !

arsene york-hunt 3:40 Sun Sep 8
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts
FC I don't think the jocks were ever aware (or even wanted to know) that England were down to 10 men and two were walking wounded. Our 8 fit men were beaten by the odd goal in five. Denis Law was MOM and that beer gutted Jim Baxter did his juggling in acres of space with no-one near him.

I was at that game and Jack Charlton spent most of the second half hobbling up and down the left wing. I think Greaves was carrying a bad injury too.

gph 3:39 Sun Sep 8
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts
Of the last 20 Home International tournaments, England won 11, Scotland 4, Northern Ireland 2 (outright wins only).

The other three were shared.

That's miles more competitive than it should've been when you consider the relative size of the countries.

BRANDED 3:36 Sun Sep 8
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts

Lily Hammer 3:35 Sun Sep 8
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts
a y-h 3.29


SUM A DING WONG 3:34 Sun Sep 8
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts
No problem, jfk.

After reading all the other OTT comments, it was understandble that you assumed that someone had actually compared our very own Ian Bishop with Maradona!!


Far Cough 3:32 Sun Sep 8
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts

Far Cough 3:31 Sun Sep 8
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts
Jim Baxter for Scotland, took the absolute piss out of England by doing keey uppys during the game, the home internationals were very competitive back then

arsene york-hunt 3:29 Sun Sep 8
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts
The last few of Beckham's caps were just so he could pass Bobby Moore's figure. He was brought on countless times for a couple of meaningless minutes in cameo roles, when that slot could heve been used for developing players. There were no subs during Bobby's early time and only one sub for most of his career. Bobby played the full ninety minutes in all of his games.

They should do a table based on minutes played. To even mention the thick cunt in the same breath as Bobby Moore is insulting to the great man's memory

Sven Roeder 3:24 Sun Sep 8
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts
Did you ever watch the Home Internationals?
Scotland actually has players then, NI had Jennings & G Best and EVERYONE would kill their own Granny’s to beat England

And Bobby didn’t get picked when he was years past his best and playing for the New York Cosmos.

Westside 3:09 Sun Sep 8
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts
It’s a bit like Beckham ending up with more caps than Bobby Moore with all the friendlies and extra qualifiers against dross.

Of Moore's 108 caps, 45 were in friendlies, 24 came in the hotbed of competitive football, the Home Internationals.

Beckham played 115 games. 42 friendlies, so less than Bobby. No Home Internationals, of course

jfk 3:02 Sun Sep 8
Re: England vs Bulgaria - Rice starts
SUM A DING WONG 12:02 Sun Sep 8

After reading your post again I now get your point.
Apologies mate.

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